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  職稱           教授
  組別 作物生理組
  實驗室/辦公室 人工氣候室202室
  聯絡電話 (02)3366-4790
  E-mail wenpo@ntu.edu.tw
  Achievement WEN-PO CHUANG
  個人網頁 Crop Resistance to Insects Lab


  • 實驗室簡介





  •   ◆ 作物生產概論 (AGRON 1005)
      ◆ 作物學各論 (AGRON 3001)
      ◆ 作物學實習 (AGRON 3003, 3004)
      ◆ 作物與昆蟲的交互作用 (AGRON 5091)
      ◆ 作物生理學研究法 (AGRON 7034)


  • 學歷

    2006-2012     Ph.D., Agronomy program, Department of Crop and Soil Sciences,

                          The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA

    1998-2002     B.S., Department of Agronomy,

                          National Taiwan Universirty, Taiwan


    2020~        國立臺灣大學農藝系副教授

    2014-2020    國立臺灣大學農藝系助理教授

    2012-2014    美國堪薩斯州州立大學昆蟲學系博士後研究員






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  • Publication

    1. Chuang, W.P., S. Ray, F.E. Acevedo, M. Peiffer, G.W. Felton, and D.S. Luthe. 2014. Herbivore cues from the fall armyworm (Spodoptera frugiperda) larvae trigger direct defenses in maize. Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions 27: 461-470.
    2. Chuang, W.P., M. Herde, S. Ray, L. Castano‐Duque, G.A. Howe, and D.S. Luthe. 2014. Caterpillar attack triggers accumulation of the toxic maize protein RIP 2. New Phytologist 201: 928-939.
    3. Smith, C.M., and W.P. Chuang. 2014. Plant resistance to aphid feeding: behavioral, physiological, genetic and molecular cues regulate aphid host selection and feeding. Pest Management Science 70: 528-540.
    4. Ray, S., I. Gaffor, F.E. Acevedo, A. Helms, W.P. Chuang, J. Tooker, G.W. Felton, and D.S. Luthe. 2015. Maize plants recognize herbivore-associated cues from caterpillar frass. Journal of Chemical Ecology 41: 781-792.
    5. Carver, B.F., C.M. Smith, W.P. Chuang, R.M. Hunger, J.T. Edwards, L. Yan, G. Brown-Guedira, B. S. Gill, G. Bai, and R.L. Bowden. 2016. Registration of OK05312, a high-yielding hard winter wheat donor of Cmc4 for wheat curl mite resistance. Journal of Plant Registrations 10: 75-79.
    6. Aguirre-Rojas, L.M., L.K. Khalaf, S. Garcés-Carrera, D.K. Sinha, W.P. Chuang, and C.M. Smith. 2017. Resistance to wheat curl mite in arthropod-resistant rye-wheat translocation lines. Agronomy 7: 74.
    7. Chuang, W.P., L.M. Aguirre-Rojas, L.K. Khalaf, G. Zhang, A.K. Fritz, A.E. Whitfield, and C.M. Smith. 2017. Wheat genotypes with combined resistance to wheat curl mite, wheat streak mosaic virus, wheat mosaic virus, and triticum mosaic virus. Journal of Economic Entomology 110: 711-718.
    8. Lin, H-H., and W.P. Chuang 2017. Push-pull farming system (Review paper). Weed Science Bulletin 38: 77-88 (in Chinese)
    9. Li, C., A.Y. Wong, S. Wang, Q. Jia, W.P. Chuang, W.G. Bendena, S.S. Tobe, S.H. Yang, G. Chung, and T.F. Chan. 2018. miRNA-mediated interactions in and between plants and insects. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 19: 3239.
    10. Tu, K.Y., S.F. Tsai, T.W. Guo, H.H. Lin, Z.W. Yang, C.T. Liao, and W.P. Chuang. 2018. The role of plant abiotic factors on the interactions between Cnaphalocrocis medinalis (Lepidoptera: Crambidae) and its host plant. Environmental Entomology 47: 857-866.
    11. Zhao, J., N.R. Abdelsalam, L. Khalaf, W.P. Chuang, L. Zhao, C.M. Smith, B. Carver, and G. Bai. 2019. Development of single nucleotide polymorphism markers for the wheat curl mite resistance gene Cmc4. Crop Science 59: 1567-1575.
    12. Khalaf, L., W.P. Chuang, L. Aguirre-Rojas, P. Klein, and C.M. Smith. 2019. Differences in Aceria tosichella population responses to wheat resistance genes and wheat virus transmission. Arthropod-Plant Interactions 13: 807-818.
    13. Li, Y., Y.F. Huang, S.H. Huang, Y.H. Kuang, C.W. Tung, C.T. Liao, and W.P. Chuang. 2019. Genomic and phenotypic evaluation of rice susceptible check TN1 collected in Taiwan. Botanical Studies 60: 1-7.
    14. Guo, T.W., C.T. Liao, and W.P. Chuang. 2019. Defensive responses of rice cultivars resistant to Cnaphalocrocis medinalis (Lepidoptera: Crambidae). Arthropod-Plant Interactions 13: 611-620.
    15. Lin, S.C., Y.H. Kuang, Y. Li, M.Y. Chiang, C.H. Hsieh, and W.P. Chuang. 2019. Evaluating the growth of fall armyworm larvae feeding on four weed species. Weed Science Billetin 40: 91-98 (in Chinese)
    16. Khalaf, L., A. Timm, W.P. Chuang, L. Enders, T. J. Hefley, and C.M. Smith. 2020. Modeling Aceria tosichella biotype distribution over geographic space and time. PLoS ONE 15:e0233507
    17. Cheah, B. H., H.-H. Lin, H.-J. Chien, C.-T. Liao, L.-Y. D. Liu, C.-C. Lai, Y.-F. Lin, and W.P. Chuang. 2020. SWATH-MS-based quantitative proteomics reveals a uniquely intricate defense response in Cnaphalocrocis medinalis-resistant rice. Scientific Reports 10: 6597
    18. Lin, P.A., C.M. Liu, J.A. Ou, C.H. Sun, W.P. Chuang, C.K. Ho, N. Kinoshita, and G.W. Felton. 2021.  Changes in arthropod community but not plant quality benefit a specialist herbivore on plants under reduced water availability. Oecologia 195, 383–396
    19. Li. Y., B.H. Cheah, Y.F. Fang, Y.H. Kuang, S.C. Lin, C.T. Liao, S.H. Huang, Y.F. Lin, and W.P. Chuang. 2021. Transcriptomics identifies key defense mechanisms in rice resistant to both leaf-feeding and phloem feeding herbivores. BMC Plant Biol 21, 306
    20. Kuang, Y.H., Y.F. Fang, S.C. Lin, S.F. Tsai, Z.W. Yang, C.P. Li, S.H. Huang, S.L. Hechanova, K.K. Jena, and W.P. Chuang. 2021. The impact of climate change on the resistance of rice near-isogenic lines with resistance genes against brown planthopper. Rice 14:64
    21. Sotelo-Cardona, P., W.P. Chuang, M.Y. Lin, M.Y. Chiang, and S. Ramasamy. 2021. Oviposition preference not necessarily predicts offspring performance in the fall armyworm, Spodoptera frugiperda (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) on vegetable crops. Scientific Reports 11:15885
    22. Cheah, BH., W.P. Chuang, J.C. Lo, Y. Li, C.Y. Cheng, Z.W. Yang, C.T. Liao, and Y.F. Lin. 2022 Exogenous copper application for the elemental defense of rice plants against rice leaffolder (Cnaphalocrocis medinalis). Plants. 11:1104
    23. Lin, SC., Y. Li, F.Y. Hu, C.L. Wang, Y.H. Kuang, C.L. Sung, S.F. Tsai, Z.W., Yang, C.P. Li, S.H. Huang, C.T. Liao, S.L. Hechanova, K.K. Jena, and W.P. Chuang. 2022. Effect of nitrogen fertilizer on the resistance of rice near-isogenic lines with BPH resistance genes. Botanic Studies 63: 16.
    24. Sung, CL., F.Y. Hu, Y. Li, S.F. Tsai, and W.P. Chuang. 2023. Antiherbivore effect of Cuscuta campestris against Spodoptera frugiperda. Arthropod-Plant Interactions 17:123-131.
    25. Lin, P.A., J. Kansman, W.P. Chuang, C. Robert, M. Erb, and G.W. Felton. 2023. Water availability and plant-herbivore interactions. Journal of Experimental Botany 74:2811-2828.
    26. Chen, Y.J., B.H. Cheah, B.H., C.Y. Lin, Y.T. Ku, C.H. Kuo, Y.Y. Zhang, B.R. Chen, O. Nean, C. H. Hsieh, P.M. Yeh, F.K.S. Yeo, Y.P. Lin, W.P. Chuang, C.R. Lee, and H.M. Ting. 2023. Inducible chemical defenses in wild mungbean confer resistance to Spodoptera litura and possibly at the expense of drought tolerance. Environmental and Experimental Botany 205:105100
    27. Hsieh, C.H.,  T.W. Guo, K.Y. Tu, C.T. Liao, and W.P. Chuang. 2023. Genetic structure of the rice leaf folder, Cnaphalocrocis medinalis (Lepidoptera: Crambidae) in Taiwan. Taiwania, 68(4): 451-457
    28. Wang, C.L., P.Q. Luo, F.Y. Hu, Y. Li, C.L. Sung, Y.H. Kuang, S.C. Lin, Z.W. Yang, C.P. Li, S.H. Huang, S.L. Hechanova, K.K. Jena, C.H. Hsieh, and W.P. Chuang. 2023. Pyramiding BPH genes in rice maintains resistance against the brown planthopper under climate change. Pest Management Science. (Published online).
  • 2023 SHANG-FA YANG Outstanding Young Scientist Award

    2023 Outstanding Young Scholar, Taiwan Society of Plant Biologists

    2023 Outstanding Teaching Faculty Member, National Taiwan University, Taiwan